About Assess

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With over 30 years of experiences in bicycle hub and bicycle accessories manufacturing in Taiwan and China, we have created a reliable name called "Assess".
All of our valuable experiences have been extended to our branch subsidiaries and factories in China for years. With over 18 years of practical expereinces in China, we were one of the pioneers to explore the Great China.
Assess is being famos by on-time delivery and responsible after-sale service. Our products are not only reliable, but also economical. You will be offered a satisfactory service from both Taiwan and China. Our main office and factory is located in Taiwan. In China, we have 3 factories: Shanghai, Shenzhen and Nanjing. Also we have an office in Tianjin. No matter where you wish to ship your goods from, either Taiwan or China, we can deliver it precisely and accordingly.
There are more than 20 superior engineers and technicians working for you. There are about 450 employees in our production team serving you. Our annual productivity is roughly around ten (10) million sets of alloy and steel hubs per year.
Since the year 2008, we have developed a new brand, "RIMNETE" according to the market need. Rimnete is here to provide you high quality standard chainwheel sets at a reasonable cost. Along inherited the original Assess spirit, Rimnete is more innovating and exciting.
Regardless how the business environment changes or how challenging it has become, when you look for the best, the most reliable source of quality bicycle hub, look for Assess. We are at your service.

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